Please note that due to the wide variety of mp3 devices on the market, we are not able to provide technical support beyond downloading the files to your computer. Please refer to the documentation that came with your mp3 player for assistance in transferring your files.
What is an mp3 File?
mp3 is an industry standard technology and format for compressing a sound file into a very small file while preserving much of the original sound quality when it is played. We compress all of our files at a bit rate of 160,000 bits/second. (about one-ninth the size of the original file. This allows for the best sound quality that is compatible with all players and formats.
Which Titles can I Download?
You can download any title that displays the icon.
How Do I Purchase a Download?
To purchase any download, simply click on the icon. This will add your purchase to the shopping cart. When you have finished shopping, click on the "checkout" icon. You will then be taken to a page where you can enter your name, address and credit card number.
Why do You Need my Address For a Download?
Our credit card processing system uses your name and address to verify that the card is a valid card, and that the card is yours. Note that we neither retain of your credit card number, expiry date, or CVV code, nor do we ever see them. Those are securely maintained by the card processing company only.
How do I Download my Purchase?
When you complete your checkout, you will be presented with a page that allows you to download your purchases from immediately. In addition, a confirmation email will be sent to the address that you gave when checking out. That email also contains the links to your downloads. Simply click on the link to complete the download. NOTE: This link is only active for 10 days. Your downloads will be delivered in a .zip file.
What are .zip Files, and how Do I Open Them?
ZIP has become an industry standard compression system, often used for shrinking files for transferring them over the internet or email. Because mp3 files are already compressed, there is minimal benefit from further compression, but a .zip file allows us to include multiple files in a single download. So when you purchase a CD in mp3 format, you get a file for each track, not just a single track of the entire recording.
Most computers today include the software for easily opening a .zip file. Simply double-click on the .zip file and it will most likely open. If it doesn't, it is possible that you do not already have the software installed on your computer. Whether you are using a MAC, or a PC, to download WinZip, our preferred software for unzipping files. Winzip offers a free 45 day evaluation of their software, so you can try it out without risk.
How do I Transfer the mp3 Files to my Player?
Because of the many different types of mp3 players, and the uniqueness of each, we are not able to help you transfer your mp3 files to your player. Please check the instructions that came with your player - they are usually very good at explaining how to load your files.
Are the Files I Download Copy Protected?
No, we don't copy protect any of the files on our site, nor do we copy protect the audio files on our CDs. Older players often can't open a copy protected file, preventing those who legitimately purchased the files from listening to them. We find it best to simply trust your integrity to not copy them.
Can I share the files I purchase?
The short answer is no. Files purchased are for your exclusive use only, with a few simple exceptions. You are free to download them on any mp3 player you own (you are not limited to just loading them on a single player) and you are welcome to load them on any player within your household. So you may load them on your spouse's player for instance. Please understand that all files are copyright © by Mountain Rose Music and/or Sharon Carne, and they may not be shared, sold, placed on web sites, or any other use, other than stated above. We appreciate your understanding, as artists are only paid for their work when it's sold.
What is Your Return Policy?
The nature of downloads makes returns impossible. Each track has a sample you can listen to prior to purchase. We highly encourage you to do this prior to your purchase to make sure that it is right for you.